You know, the html, css, and java stuff. And the social media stuff.

We began when everything had to be coded with BASIC computer programming. Boy, have things come a long way from those tedious projects! Now we can focus our time on the design and cool functions.

And then there’s social media. wow. Folks are either immersed in it or still trying to figure it out. And then there are the analytics. But the fact is, social media has become essential to any business who wants to effectively communicate with their target audiences. It helps if you have someone on board who loves weeding through and making sense of all the fun raw data. This actually really makes a difference.

Bike & Scooter Safety PSA
City of Dallas Department of Transportation

Apollo VII 50th Anniversary
Frontiers of Flight Museum
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Embryo Adoption & Donation
National Registry for Adoption
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Red Means Stop PSA
City of Dallas Department of Transportation

North Texas Giving Day
Frontiers of Flight Museum
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Moon Day
Frontiers of Flight Museum
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